Robert Maaser

Robert Maaser

Hobrig (Main agency)
Angela Hobrig
+49 33120 122 722
open agency on Filmmakers

About me

Most recent projects are the John Wick Sequel „Ballerina“, directed by Len Wiseman & Chad Stahelski; the South Korean Action Thriller „HUMINT“, directed by Ryoo Seung-Wan and the the series „The Black Dagger Brotherhood“, directed by Tosca Musk. All of them will have their world wide release in 2025.


Acting age
26-41 years
Year of birth
1990 (34 years)
Place of birth
Height (cm)
Weight (in kg)
Eye color
Hair color
dark blond(e)
Hair length
Place of residence
Berlin (DE), Greater London (GB)
Housing options
Marseille (FR), Cologne (DE), London (GB), Barcelona (ES), İstanbul (TR), Los Angeles (US), Los Angeles County (US)
Berlin German(native dialect)SaxonThuringian (thüringisch)
AcrobaticsBoxingCapoeiraClimbingFitnessFloor exerciseGymnasticsHorse ridingKickboxingMartial artsParkourThai boxingTrampoliningWeightliftingWheel gymnastics
Break dancingHip hopStandard
Main profession
Dubbing actor
Special skills
Driver's licenses
A - Motorcycle, B - Car
Other licenses
Skydiving license, Fitness trainer B license, PADI Advanced Open Water Diver, PADI Rescue Diver, Sport boat driving licence within


Professional background

Professional Acrobat Education | Sigrid Andersson (Die Tankstelle) | Actor's Space (André Bolouri, Mike Bernardin) | Alexander Technique (Kristof Konrad, Jean Louis Rodrigues) | Accent Coaching (Rick Lipton & Jon Sperry)

Other professional training

Die Tankstelle | Coaching | Film - TV - Theater
Studio André Bolouri - Actors Space Berlin
ARTURO Schauspielschule


Weltmeister im Cyr Wheel
13x Weltmeister Rhönradturnen


HUMINT (Cinema film)
Alexei Ryoo Seung-Wan Producer: R&K Filmmakers
Ballerina (Cinema film)
Dex Chad Stahelski, Len Wiseman Producer: Thunder Road Pictures Distribution: Lionsgate Casting Director: Kate Dowd
Ge-man The Coup (Short film)
Kurt (MR) Belgin Uysal Producer: Alpha Centauri Studios GmbH [de]
The Machine (Cinema film)
Alexei (MR) Peter Atencio Producer: Shaken Not Stirred [us]
Uncharted (Cinema film)
Security Guard (Ot) Ruben Fleischer Producer: Columbia Pictures [us]
Regardless (Cinema film)
Wayne (SR) Erdal Murat Aktas Producer: EMA Creative Works [tr]
Gunpowder Milkshake (Cinema film)
Gangster (Ot) Navot Papushado Producer: Studio Babelsberg Motion Pictures GmbH [de]
The Match (direct-to-VOD) (Feature film)
Hans Gruber (SR) Jakov Sedlar Producer: Opis Film [hr]
The Witch and the Ottoman (Feature film)
Hauptmann (SR) Sebastian Mattukat Producer: Mavie Films GmbH [de]
3 Engel für Charlie (Cinema film)
Big Man (SR) Elizabeth Banks Producer: Brownstone Productions [us]
1917 (Cinema film)
Pilot (SR) Sam Mendes Producer: Amblin Partners [us]
Ronny & Klaid (Cinema film)
Silas (SR) Ercan Acar Producer: Dropkick Pictures
Karlstown (Teaser (film concept))
Dark Leader (MR) Eskindir Tesfay Producer: Lonely Donkey Films GmbH [de]
The Dare (Feature film)
Dominic (MR) Giles Alderson Producer: B2Y Productions [bg]
Out for Vengeance (Feature film)
Rico (MR) Salar Zarza Producer: True Spirit Entertainment [nl]
Bohemian Browser Ballet - Rettet die Arier! (Internetfilm) (Short film)
Albrecht (MR) Raphael Selter Producer: Turbokultur GmbH Station: funk [de]
Perception of Peace (NOT COMPLETED) (Feature film)
Castiel Alistair (SR) Dave Ardito Producer: Visioncreed [de]
Gore (NOT COMPLETED) (Cinema film)
Klaus (SR) Michael Hoffman Producer: Netflix [us]
Walhalla 360° (Short film)
Django (MR) Christian Rau Producer: Christian Rau Productions [de]
Tiger Girl (Cinema film)
Kokosaffe Ubahn (Ot) Jakob Lass Producer: Fogma GmbH [de]
Cro - Unsere Zeit ist jetzt (Cinema film)
Detective (SR) Martin Schreier Producer: Mr. Brown Entertainment [de]
Shivaay (Cinema film)
Pimp (SR) Ajay Devgn Producer: ADF Ajay Devgn Films [in]
Allein gegen die Zeit - Der Film (Cinema film)
Hengest (SR) Christian Theede Producer: Askania Media Filmproduktion GmbH [de]
Tschiller: Off Duty (Cinema film)
Dimitry (SR) Christian Alvart Producer: Syrreal Entertainment GmbH
Immigration Game (Cinema film)
Leader Dark Hunter (SR) Krystof Zlatnik Producer: Roundhousefilm GmbH
Der Nanny (Cinema film)
Demonstrant (Ot) Matthias Schweighöfer Producer: Pantaleon Films GmbH
2close2u (Feature film)
Florian (MR) Steffen Baermann Producer: Volle Pulle Filmproduktion [de]
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (Cinema film)
Assassin (SR) Christopher McQuarrie Producer: Bad Robot [us]
Brat (Short film)
Vlad (MR) Xavier Baeyens Producer: Metfilm School Berlin [de]
Augmented (Short film)
Special Agent (SR) Björn Gromoll Producer: Movie-Do [de]
Alle anderen sind nicht gleich anders (Documentary)
Stefan (Ot) Oliver Langewitz Producer: Filmboard Karlsruhe e. V.


The Black Dagger Brotherhood (Series)
Wrath (MR) Tosca Musk Producer: White Fork Productions Station: Passionflix
Where's Wanda? (Series)
Mr. Sixpack (SR) Christian Ditter, Tobi Baumann Producer: UFA Fiction GmbH Station: Apple TV+ Distribution: Apple TV+ Casting Director: Sabine Weimann Written by: Oliver Lansley
Sweat (TV series)
Yorkie (SR) Gregory Kirchhoff Producer: DCM Pictures GmbH Station: SWR [de]
Blood & Gold (TV movie)
Heinrich (MR) Peter Thorwarth Producer: Rat Pack Filmproduktion GmbH [de] Station: Netflix
Barbaren (TV series)
Odvulf (SR) Stefan Ruzowitzky Producer: Gaumont GmbH [de] Station: Netflix
Wolf 2039 (TV series)
Eric Brandt (SR) Can Emre Producer: Insignia Yapim [tr] Station: BluTV [tr]
Resplandor y Tinieblas (Series)
Henry VI (MR) José Luis Moreno Producer: Dreamlight International Productions [es]
Schneller als die Angst (TV series)
Daniel Bayer (SR) Florian Baxmeyer Producer: Rowboat Film- und Fernsehproduktion Station: Degeto [de]
Blutige Anfänger (TV series)
Robin (MR) Nico Zavelberg, Irina Popow, Gero Weinreuter Producer: Studio.TV.Film GmbH Station: ZDF [de]
Munich Games (TV series)
Polizist Borsig (SR) Philipp Kadelbach Producer: Amusement Park Film GmbH Station: Sky [de]
Der Palast (TV series)
Holger Schulz (SR) Uli Edel Producer: Constantin Television GmbH [de] Station: ZDF [de]
Daheim in den Bergen - Liebesleid (TV movie (series))
Marcel (SR) Michael 'Mike' Zens Producer: Westside Filmproduktion GmbH [de] Station: ARD [de]
Tribes of Europa (TV series)
Volgar (SR) Philip Koch, Florian Baxmeyer Producer: W&B Television GmbH Station: Netflix
F4lkenb3rg - Mord im Internat? (TV series)
Sebastian (MR) Daniel Anderson Producer: Splendid Studios GmbH (formerly Joker Productions GmbH) Station: RTL Zwei [de]
Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei (TV series)
Robin Kiefer (EL) Franco Tozza Producer: Action Concept GmbH Station: RTL [de]
SOKO Köln (TV series)
Fabian Körner (EL) Christoph Heininger Producer: Network Movie Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH Station: ZDF [de]
You Are Wanted (TV series)
BND Agent (SR) Matthias Schweighöfer, Bernhard Jasper Producer: Pantaleon Films GmbH Station: Amazon Prime Video
Alles was zählt (TV series)
Tim Hayer (MR) Annette Herre, Patricia Frey, Janis Rebecca Rattenni, Markus Hansen, Klaus Witting, Christoph Heininger Producer: UFA Serial Drama GmbH Station: RTL [de]
Notruf Hafenkante (TV series)
Ronny Lehmann (EL) Dustin Loose, Neelesha Barthel, Oliver Liliensiek, Rolf Wellingerhof, Oren Schmuckler, Daniel Drechsel-Grau, Marian Westholzer Producer: LETTERBOX FILMPRODUKTION GmbH Station: ZDF [de]
Berlin Station (TV series)
Kidnapper (Ot) Michaël R. Roskam, Christoph Schrewe, John David Coles, Joshua Marston, Guiseppe Capotondi Producer: Anonymous Content [us] Station: Epix [us]
Tempel (TV series)
Corales (SR) Philipp Leinemann Producer: Polyphon Film GmbH Station: ZDFneo [de]
Kommissar Marthaler - Engel des Todes (TV movie (series))
Bodyguard (SR) Lancelot von Naso Producer: Akzente Film & Fernsehproduktion GmbH Station: arte
Quasinormal (Webserie) (Series)
Sid (MR) Laura Tamoj Producer: Universität Hildesheim [de]
GZSZ Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten (TV series)
Ben Degner (Ot) Fridtjof Grüsser, René Wolter, Hartwig van der Neut, Britta Keils, André Siebert, Michael Ammann, Herwig Fischer, Frank Hein Producer: UFA Serial Drama GmbH Station: RTL [de]


Hercule Poirot Bianca Lehnard Theater: Comedia Köln


Lunakid - Technicolor (Music video)
Wilder (MR) Rico Diogo Mahel Producer: Gormazing Unicorns, Jessy Moravec & Tizia Florence [de]
We are the Dreamers (Short film)
Schauspieler (MR) David Zuschlag


Single Step - Be Yourself (Commercial)
Hero (MR) Sandro Suppnig Producer: B2Y Productions [bg]
Shotokan Karate - The Meaning of a Kata (Commercial)
Rob (MR) Eskindir Tesfay Producer: Movie-Do [de]