Carlota Jimenez
Empire Agency (Main agency)
- Acting age
- Year of birth
- 1999 (25 years)
- Place of birth
- Height (cm)
- Weight (in kg)
- Eye color
- Hair color
- Hair length
- Stature
- Place of residence
- Housing options
- Nationality
- Languages
- EnglishPortugueseSpanishFrench
- Dialects
- American-CaliforniaAmerican-New YorkAmerican-Standard(native dialect)Brazilian PortugueseEnglish-StandardLondon
- Accents
- Instruments
- Sport
- Dance
- Main profession
- Singing
- Special skills
- Pitch
- Driver's licenses
Primary professional training
- 2020
- American Academy of Dramatic Arts (Los Angeles/New York)
- 2022
Lilly Rotkäppchen (Short film)Lilly Rotkäppchen (MR) Richard Paraiso