Martin Adam
- Spielalter
- Geburtsjahr
- 1953 (71 Jahre)
- Geburtsort
- Größe (cm)
- Gewicht (in kg)
- Augenfarbe
- Haarfarbe
- Haarlänge
- Statur
- Wohnort
- Nationalität
- Sprachen
- EnglischSpanisch
- Dialekte
- CockneyLondon(Heimatdialekt)
- Akzente
- Instrumente
- Sport
- Hauptberuf
- Stimmlage
- Führerscheinklassen
- Sonstige Führerscheine/Lizenzen
I have worked as a double for actor Jim Broadbent whilst filming Cloud Atlas here on Mallorca and also the Canadian production Jappaloup filmed in Palma. I have worked as a stunt driver on the Mad Dogs production for Sky TV and appeared in various commercials including Estrella Damm filmed in the Tramuntana on Mallorca. I have an extensive background in audio recording and production (
- 2013
Cloud Atlas (Kinofilm)Double for Jim Broadbent (AR) Wachowski's Vertrieb: Warner Bros.